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Congratulations! You are now functionally fluent in a second language!

You should be able to freely converse in your target language without thinking too hard. You will still make some mistakes, but they should be infrequent and not get in the way of being understood.

Some learners are happy with this level of fluency and aren't interested in investing more time into the language for higher levels. That is a completely reasonable decision to make, and each learner will need to decide for themselves how much effort to invest.

Learning a language is an endless pursuit. Each language is large enough that no human being can learn every word and cultural nuance in their lifetime. It's up to you to decide how far you want to go with it.

If you decide to keep going, you'll need to decide which specific parts of the language you want to focus on. Below, we propose two categories to help you think about the next steps of your language learning.

The Two Paths

This guide presents two approaches to continuing your language learning:

  1. Expand & Deepen Fluency: Improve your communication abilities.
  2. Striving for Native Level: Try to sound like a native.

There are many high-level foreign language speakers that do not sound native, yet speak with eloquence across a vast array of topics.